サイトアイコン 青山ヒューマン・イノベーション・コンサルティング株式会社

Best Paper Award (Identification Number: 5709), CITATION AWARDS 2022を受賞しました

弊社代表玉木の論文が、 CITATION AWARDS 2022でベスト論文賞を受賞しました。

Prof. Kinya Tamaki
Best Paper Award (Identification Number: 5709), CITATION AWARDS 2022,
Citation Awards is organized by Science Father a trademark of Scifax Company (Reg. No. 130116),
Approved and Registered by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt. of India.
Kinya Tamakia*, Masahiro Arakawab, Maki Arame, and Yoshiyuki Ono:
”Development of Educational Programs for System Creators and Business Producers in Future
Strategy Design in Action Project Group Activities Through Industry-University Cooperation”,
Procedia Manufacturing
Volume 39, 2019, Pages 1377-1382, ELSEVIER


